A city whose gleaming skyscrapers and bustling streets conceal a secret criminal element with a most nefarious goal: to rule the city with an iron fist!
Wealthy and influential criminal masterminds run a secret society that pulls the strings of the city government. Dastardly masked villains prowl in the shadows, waiting to meet unsuspecting damsels. Mad scientists with demented inventions persuade naive girls to their laboratory tables to perform fiendishly carnal acts. Every day, criminal masterminds plot diabolical schemes to defeat and humiliate the crimefighting superheroines who dare to stand against them.
Welcome to a colossal metropolis of secret villainy; a corrupted city-port that scoundrels have nicknamed ‘Grime City’. Sworn to thwart the corruption infecting the city are such sumptuous superheroines and crimefighters as Pink Pussycat and the Action Cats, Ms. Metrobay and the Superheroine Squad, Valiant Woman and the Guardian Gals, the undercover spygirl Agents of DESIRE, and the college-age Grrl Power junior heroines! But the dastardly Circle of ROPE and their League of Villains co-conspirators have countless schemes and traps awaiting the pure-hearted heroines.
This is the erotic world of Metrobay Comix. Enter, if you dare…
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